High quality Natural supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) were never discovered in Pakistan. None of private sector nor did the State Agency worked in this direction to find out the availability of good quality SCM deposits in Pakistan and commercially provide them. Later in 2015, with the joint effort of a few dedicated individuals, fine quality natural pozzolan reserves were discovered in the remote area of South Western Baluchistan region of Pakistan.
M-7.0 is a Composite Defused SCM based on natural materials, confirms and surpasses American Society for Testing and Materials Standard ASTM-C-618 and British Standard BS EN 196-2. The material can be characterized by its uniformity, the high reactivity which equals that of OPC and its contribution to the durability of concrete, particularly such which are exposed to marine conditions of sulfate rich environments.
M7.0 is not a by-product. It was not scrubbed from the waste stream of some industrial process. Sourced from the purest commercial deposit of natural pozzolan on the planet, M7.0 is consistent in chemical make-up, grade, color, and the pozzolanic reaction it ignites within curing concrete. Bag after bag, yard after placed yard, concrete that is performance-blended with M7.0 is comfortably predictable.
Prior to its commercial launch in January 2016, a detailed testing for both chemical analysis and physical strength was carried out. During the tests, M7.0 showed excellent and promising results to be used as SCM.